How to use SOFiSTiK?#

The core of the SOFiSTiK analysis programs is a database (CDB). A set of programs, which are addressed by standard text files or by graphical user interfaces, interchange all their information through this database.

SOFiSTiK-Software consists of numerous different modules. For all beginners the Structural Desktop is the best choice because it will handle many of the complex interactions between the modules. There is a separate tutorial available, a short introduction may be found in Structural Desktop.

To exploit the full power of the software it is useful to know the modular structure and the CADINP-command language as this is the most powerful and the most basic access method. An experienced user will never disaccustom himself from the flexibility of applying CADINP macros, especially for large complex systems. Especially the possibility to keep all secondary information in comments and formulas is a very valuable feature.

There is the following organization and operating structure:

  • Input file or database creation manually or using a generation program

  • Performing the Analysis

  • Output of results and graphics

The process is not ruled by any rigid system, which means that the software is very flexible. The user can always choose the most effective form of input for his purposes and is only constrained by minimal obligations in sequences of analysis. Moreover it is possible to transfer data between different computers and operating systems without difficulty.


See also

To see all available modules, please refer to Program Modules.