Release Notes#

This list represents the reported issues resolved within SOFiSTiK Reinforcement. The issues are directly reported by users via Product Support Cases and SOFiSTiK Communities.


For the optimal product experience we highly recommend to work with the latest available version in SOFiSTiK Application Manager.

2023-10 Release (19.04.2024)#


Resolved Issues#

  • An issue that occured by the Bar End tool.

  • An issue that occured by the Tag Missing tool.

  • An issue that prevented Linear Spacer from being automatically assigned to the sheet.

  • A Crash occured when using filters in Reinforcement Browser.

  • An issue that caused the parameter names to be sorted incorrectly in the shape image for stirrups with variable segment lengths.

  • An issue that prevented SOFiSTiK_Coupler_Length from being updated.

2023-9 Release (02.02.2024)#


  • Geometry export of Not Bent and Running Length rebars into .ABS files has been enhanced.

  • Shape Images for Running Length Rebars are now supported in openXML schedules (.Docx) and Shape Images tool.

  • New parameter running_length_indicator is available to be used in the Translation Table in openXML schedules (.Docx).

Resolved Issues#

  • An error that occured by the Unfreeze tool for multiple rebar sets.

  • An issue that caused a wrong hight of spiral reinforcement.

  • An issue that occured by the Split tool when reinforcement host is a generic model.

2023-8 Release (01.12.2023)#

Resolved Issues#

  • An issue that caused incorrect values for the mass per unit lengths in lbm/ft.

  • An issue that caused wrong hook types for rebar sets which were created by the Rebar Template tool.

  • An issue that caused shape details not to be updated after freezing and unfreezing a rebar set.

  • An issue that occured when annotation families in the project and in the content pack use different capitalisation.

  • An issue that caused an incorrect number of bars in the bending schedule for varying rebar sets in specific situations.

  • An issue that caused an incorrect number of fabrics in the fabric cut schedule in specific situations.

  • An issue that caused rebars without assignment to be assigned during synchronisation with a central model.

  • An issue that caused wrong symbols for the layer details.

2023-7 Release (06.10.2023)#


Resolved Issues#

  • An issue that occured by grouping rebars with Shape Code 98.

  • An issue that occurred by the Tag All tool in particular situations.

  • An issue that caused wrong bar diameters after using the Explode tool.

  • An issue that caused wrong marks when working with Mode for Marks ‘Marks per Member’.

2023-6 Release (04.08.2023)#


Resolved Issues#

  • An issue that caused wrong arc lengths.

  • An issue that caused wrong segment lengths on rebar sets with acute angle and variable legs.

  • An issue that occurred by using SOFiSTiK_Alternate_Style in area reinforcement.

  • An issue that occurred by using the tagging tools in a collaboration Model.

  • An issue that occurred by the Browse tool in particular situations.

  • An issue that occurred by the Splitting Tensile Bar tool.

  • An issue that caused the change of the assignment of linear spacers in worksharing models.

  • An issue that caused wrong hook directions for Shape Code 67.

  • An issue that caused wrong bar lengths after using the group tool in specific situations.

  • An issue that caused long processing times for the unfreeze tool.

  • An issue that prevented the generation of a schedule containing only linear spacers.

2023-5 Release (24.05.2023)#


  • Enhancements for the Freeze tool.

Resolved Issues#

  • An issue that occurred by staggered rebar sets and prevented the creation of the openXML schedules (.Docx).

  • An issue that occurred by the Hide and Tag tool.

  • An issue that caused the Hide and Tag annotations to be deleted after copying the rebar set.

  • An error that occurred by the Partial Shape tool when the corresponding detail family type is not available in the project.

2023-4 Release (31.03.2023)#


  • The parameter SOFiSTiK_Revision is available for Linear Spacer and the corresponding table in openXML schedules (.Docx).

  • The current revision on sheet can be exported into openXML schedules (.Docx).

  • Underscores in Assignment name are supported by the Assign, Set Marks and All Shape Details dialogs.

Resolved Issues#

  • An issue that caused a wrong hook direction for rebars in Area Reinforcement.

  • An issue that caused the removed bars of non-standard varying sets to appear in the varying table in openXML schedules (.Docx).

  • An issue that caused a wrong quantity in Fabric Cut List in openXML schedules (.Docx).

  • An error that occurred by the Import Schedule tool in a collaboration Model.

2023-3 Release (10.02.2023)#


  • Revit Parts are now supported by the Layer tool.

  • Improvements for the shape image of shape code 46 in openXML schedules (.Docx) to avoid annotation clashes.

Resolved Issues#

  • An issue that prevented saving projects to BIM360 Cloud.

  • An issue that caused a wrong quantity and length after changing a rebar assignment.

  • An issue that prevented creating Area Reinforcement in parts.

  • An issue that occurred by the Hide and Tag tool.

  • An issue in the family Sofistik_Detail_BarEnd.

  • An error that occurred by loading a content pack in a particular case.

2023-2 Release (09.12.2022)#


  • Performance enhancements specially by undoing a process or deleting an object.

  • Overridden hook length will be considered properly in shape details and OpenXml schedule (.Docx).

  • Enhancements for SOFiSTiK reinforcement tools, which in turn allow an optimized processing of reinforcement sets with the first/last bar removed.

  • Enhancements for the Detail Layer tool, which in turn enabled a numeric sub-mark representation for rebar sets with varying length.

  • New option to Customize grid width for the All Shape Detail tool is available under Detail tab in Settings.

  • The parameters SOFiSTiK_Member, SOFiSTiK_Layer and SOFiSTiK_Revision are available for linear spacer.

  • Enhancements for the Openings tool.

  • General workflow enhancement: Rebars that were assigned once, won’t change the assignment automatically by using tools like Explode, Group, Stagger. Copied elements will have the same assignment as their source elements.

Resolved Issues#

  • An issue that occurred by the set Marks tool in collaboration models and caused by Rebars without mark (NA mark).

  • An issue that caused a wrong hook direction in shape details and the OpenXML schedule (.Docx) for rebars that were modified by SOFiSTiK Reinforcement tools (Freeze, Group, To Face…etc).

  • A crash that occurred by loading of the content pack in certain upgraded projects.

  • An issue that occurred by exporting the OpenXML schedules (.Docx) for multiple sheets.

  • An error that occurred by the Import Schedule tool in cloud collaboration models.

  • A crash that occurred by pointing the output folder for OpenXML schedules (.Docx) for new/ unsaved project.

2023-1 Release (07.10.2022)#


  • New dialog with a preview for the Stagger tool.

  • The Parameters Host Mark and SOFiSTiK_Member are now available as new criteria for Set Marks Sort Order.

  • Enhancements for Set Marks Tool.

Resolved Issues#

  • An issue that caused annotation clashes by using the All Shape Details tool.

  • An issue that occurred by the Tag All tool for closed round stirrups.

  • An issue that occurred by Set Marks tool and prevented changing the start number.

  • An issue that occurred by the Wall tool and caused a Revit crash.

  • An issue that occurred by the Wall tool and prevented the stirrups from be generated properly.

  • An issue that caused inaccurate weight for varying rebar sets.

2023-0 Release (22.07.2022)#


  • New dialog for the Set Marks tool that supports new options such as starting mark per criteria and close gaps.

  • New dialog for the Create Schedules tool that supports creating separate schedules per member or layer.

  • New tool Custom Schedule that provides an individual selection of the reinforcement layers, members and revisions.

  • New technology for reinforcement coupler elements and end treatments is supported by Shape Detail, Create schedules and Shape Images tools.

  • Coupler schedule is now available in the schedule templates (.Docx).

  • Enhancements for the Split tool with Predefined Overlap Lengths in Settings .

  • New tools Split Custom and Split Staggered.

  • New technology for the Import Schedule tool to insert a reinforcement schedule into a model or sheet view.

  • SOFiSTiK_Member and SOFiSTiK_Layer are available to be considered by the Equality Check for Set Marks tool.

  • New option is available in Settings to export a selected sheet or project Parameter also a custom (user defined) parameter into the openXML schedules (.Docx).

  • The Hide and Tag tool supports creating annotations for the same reinforcement element in separate views.

  • Single Tag annotations support multileader functionality.

  • Bar shapes according to SSHV-2014 are now supported.

Resolved Issues#

  • An issue that occurred by the All Shape Details tool.

  • An issue that occurred by the Group tool for varying set in particular situation.

  • An issue that caused some detail elements to be wrong detected as orphaned elements.

  • An issue that occurred by the Hide and Detail tool and caused a rotated detail element.

  • An issue that prevented the shape details annotations from showing the parameter SOFiSTiK_Text_VariableLength.

  • An issue that occurred by the Hide and Tag tool.

  • An issue that prevented showing the inner radius in openXML schedules (.Docx) for non-standard shapes.

  • An issue that caused a wrong text in openXML schedules (.Docx) for bent fabrics (shape code 00).