SOFiSTiK Rebar Layouts#

A SOFiSTiK Rebar Layout is a group of rebars with the same rebar shape, bar diameter and material. The SOFiSTiK Rebar Layout Types allow individual annotation and detailing styles. The tools Group, Stagger, Stretch/Trim, Align and Explode can combine rebars to a certain Rebar Layout.


You can check the detected SOFiSTiK Layout type in the rebar parameter SOFiSTiK_Layout.

The advantages of using rebar layouts are#

  • Individual annotation and detailing styles can be achieved.

  • Combined bars with variable segment lengths in schedules.

  • Improved performance by combining multiple rebars.

  • Customized rebar alignment and layout

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Available Rebar Layout Types#

Depending on the distribution and layout of the combined rebars, a distinction is made between the following layout types.


SOFiSTiK Layout Single#

Layout Rules
  • Single indicates a single rebar instance, not a set.

SOFiSTiK Layout Rebar Set#

Layout Rules
  • All Rebars have the same length

  • Equal spacing between all rebars

  • Bending planes of all rebars are parallel

  • All rebars are disributed perpedicular to their bending planes.

SOFiSTiK Layout Moved#

Layout Rules
  • All rebars have the same length

  • Bending planes of all rebars are parallel

SOFiSTiK Layout Moved Segmented#

Layout Rules
  • All rebars have the same length

  • Bending planes of all rebars are parallel

  • At least one rebar segment with equal spacing is present


A rebar segment means a group of bars with equal spacing as a part of a rebar set. The minimum number of bars that defines a rebar segment can be set on the Rebar tab in the Settings dialog.

SOFiSTiK Layout Moved Variable#

Layout Rules
  • Different rebar lengths are present

  • Bending planes of all rebars are parallel

SOFiSTiK Layout Polar#

Layout Rules
  • Bending planes of all rebars intersect in one point (strictly speaking in one line)

The rebar layout SOFiSTiK Layout Polar will be created by the Explode tool at a Path Reinforcement along an arc.

SOFiSTiK Layout Polar Variable#

Layout Rules
  • Different rebar lengths are present

  • Bending planes of all rebars intersect in one point (strictly speaking in one line)

SOFiSTiK Layout General#

Layout Rules
  • None of the other SOFiSTiK Layouts apply

SOFiSTiK Layout General Variable#

Layout Rules
  • Different rebar lengths are present

  • None of the other SOFiSTiK Layouts apply