
Combination Loadcases#

In the Combination Loadcases Table you can find all combination loadcases suitable for the analysis. You can define combination loadcases using the task_combine_loads_small Combine Loads task. Combination loadcases are listed with their loadcase number, their name, the loadcase type and type description. You can hide or unhide these property columns in the table using the menu on the right top corner. To select a loadcase, check the box in the front.


If you have a long list of combination loadcases, you might wanna select or deselect more than one case at once. To do so, select a group of loadcases. Then enter the context menu with a right click on the checkbox column to use one of the following options:

  • Activate selected

  • Deactivate selected

  • Invert activation of selected items

  • Activate all

  • Deactivate all

Reinforcement distributions#

The task performs a nonlinear analysis of plates and shells according to cracked condition with a given reinforcement. You can select a reinforcement distribution from the previous design by selecting the number in the dropdown menu. The reinforcement direction, concrete cover, bar diameter and other data are taken from the task task_design_area_parameters_small Design parameters of area elements.

Additionally, enter a number for the calculated reinforcement distribution after the nonlinear analysis.

Nonlinear effects#

There are some specific options for the nonlinear analysis. If you choose the option ‘’Lifting edges’’, fixed supports and elastic edges can be displaced upwards due to tension during the analysis.

When ‘’Cracked concrete’’ is selected, the material response is evaluated based on the appropiate material working law (ultimate design with material safety factor).

The number of iterations is set to 80 per default but can be changed. For more information on the nonlinear analysis and the number of iterations, please see the ASE manual.

Parameter of Displacement in cracked condition#

In the nonlinear slab calculation, (T-)beams are calculated linear with an overall reduction of the beam stiffness. Per default, the reduction is set to 60%.

Tensile strength values for tension stiffening and concrete are usually defined with the material. If you want to use other values than the material default, you can enter them here.