
The SOFiSTiK AG develops and distributes engineering software with particular emphasis on civil and structural engineering.

The software has been developed following a sophisticated concept, allowing the standard user to reach a quick and efficient solution to a given task. Despite this the possibilities for a specialist with experience in numerical methods are not restricted. The software is made up of a modular structure and provides general available open interfaces. The modules numerical kernels are classic batch programs, these in turn are getting their input from small text files and a database.

For each program module there is an own manual. The manuals contain information about the theoretical backgrounds and descriptions for the input and output of the programs. We recommend to inform about the respective program module in the corresponding manual before using the program.

Detailed examples do not only show the power of these programs but may be used as templates for your own solutions.


We recommend highly to check the official Online Tutorials.

Additional help#



Tutorials, videos, examples, workflow-description.

Verification Benchmarks

Verification of results, CADINP examples.


Workflow and command reference for SOFiPLUS(-X) software.

Rhinoceros Interface

Workflow and command reference for SOFiSTiK Rhinoceros and Grasshopper interface.

See also

For FEA modules we provide a technical PDF documentation. Install FEA 2023 and do following:

Help ribbon user_manuals_pdf_large ‘’User Manuals’’ user_manuals_pdf_small ‘’All manuals…’’
For each program there are introducing examples. The input files for these examples are to be found in the installation directory in the respective subdirectories:
<program_name> english *.dat




Analysis + Design

Perform structural analysis of buildings and member design directly in Autodesk® Revit®. Interfaces to SSD when installed together with SOFiSTiK FEA 2023.

Bridge Modeler

SOFiSTiK Bridge Modeler is a Revit plug-in for infrastructure projects like bridges. The main purpose is to create parametrized 3D bridge models using alignment parameters and generic families in Autodesk® Revit®. SOFiSTiK Bridge Modeler tool supports a BIM concept, where 3D model is a data source for planning and construction.

Reinforcement Detailing

SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing significantly accelerates the creation of 2D reinforcement sheets out of 3D models in Revit.


Administration Manual

Products & downloads, installation, licensing.