Export to Excel#
Protocols general information about the export:
date and time of export
path of the Excel Workbook where the export was conducted
version of the software which made the export
path of the Revit project from which data was exported
name of the SOFiSTiK Database from which data was exported
name of the design code used in this project
category and number of elements for which results were exported
Load Cases#
The following information about loadcases is provided:
Column in the Excel file |
Description |
Loadcase Id |
Identification number of the loadcase in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
Name |
Name describing the loadcase in SOFiSTiK’s database |
Type |
Type of the loadcase action according to SOFiSTiK’s classification |
SOFiSTiK Action |
Name of the Load Action to which the loadcase is assigned |
Members with Structural Role Beam#
The following information and results about beams is provided:
Column in the Excel file |
Description |
Revit Element Id |
Identification number of element in the Revit model (as provided in Revit by ) |
Level |
Revit level-related property of the element |
Identification number of the structural element in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
SOFiSTiK Name |
Name as provided in the panel SOFiSTiK Structural Properties (and also value of the shared parameter |
Grid Location Start |
Element position in Revit according to the grid’s raster |
Grid Location End |
Element position in Revit according to the grid’s raster |
Length [m] |
Length of the element in Revit |
Primary Material |
SOFiSTiK name of the main material used in the element’s cross section |
Reinforcement |
SOFiSTiK name of the reinforcing material used in the element’s cross section |
Type |
Type of the element’s cross section (rectangular or circular or other) |
Sec Width [m] |
Width of the element’s cross section (or diameter for circular sections) |
Sec Height [m] |
Heigth of the element’s cross section (or diameter for circular sections) |
Beam Forces#
Column in the Excel file |
Description |
Revit Element Id |
Identification number of element in the Revit model (as provided in Revit by ) |
Identification number of the structural element in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
Loadcase |
Identification number of the loadcase in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
Location |
Relative position along the element’s length where the results is returned. 0 being the Start of the element and 1 being the End of the element. |
N [kN] | My [kNm] | Mz [kNm] | Vz [kN] | Vy [kN] |
Internal forces and moment values at this location of the element |
Members with Structural Role Column#
The following information and results about columns is provided:
Column in the Excel file |
Description |
Revit Element Id |
Identification number of element in the Revit model (as provided in Revit by ) |
Base Level |
Revit level-related property of the element |
Top Level |
Revit level-related property of the element |
Identification number of the structural element in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
SOFiSTiK Name |
Name as provided in the panel SOFiSTiK Structural Properties (and also value of the shared parameter |
Grid Location |
Element position in Revit according to the grid’s raster |
Height [m] |
Height of the element in Revit |
Primary Material |
SOFiSTiK name of the main material used in the element’s cross section |
Reinforcement |
SOFiSTiK name of the reinforcing material used in the element’s cross section |
Type |
Type of the element’s cross section (rectangular or circular or other) |
Sec Width [m] |
Width of the element’s cross section (or diameter for circular sections) |
Sec Height [m] |
Heigth of the element’s cross section (or diameter for circular sections) |
Column Forces#
Column in the Excel file |
Description |
Revit Element Id |
Identification number of element in the Revit model (as provided in Revit by ) |
Identification number of the structural element in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
Loadcase |
Identification number of the loadcase in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
Location |
Relative position along the element’s height where the results is returned. 0 being the Bottom of the element and 1 being the Top of the element. |
N [kN] | My [kNm] | Mz [kNm] | Vz [kN] | Vy [kN] |
Internal forces and moment values at this location of the element |
Panels with Structural Role Wall#
Export to Excel provides information and results about walls.
The values provided under Wall Forces
are integrated from the QUADs Finite Element forces and moments. Along the wall’s height, this integration is conducted over the complete length and thickness of the wall.
Wall Resultants cannot be processed by SOFiSTiK automatic superposition and enveloping mechanisms. If you wish to obtain envelops or superpositions results for wall elements, please activate and use Design Elements.
Column in the Excel file |
Description |
Revit Element Id |
Identification number of element in the Revit model (as provided in Revit by ) |
Base Level |
Revit level-related property of the element |
Top Level |
Revit level-related property of the element |
Identification number of the structural element in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
SOFiSTiK Name |
Name as provided in the panel SOFiSTiK Structural Properties (and also value of the shared parameter |
Grid Location Start |
Element position in Revit according to the grid’s raster |
Grid Location End |
Element position in Revit according to the grid’s raster |
Length [m] |
Length of the element in Revit |
Height [m] |
Height of the element in Revit |
Thickness [m] |
Thickness used for the element |
Primary Material |
SOFiSTiK name of the main material used in the element’s cross section |
Reinforcement |
SOFiSTiK name of the reinforcing material used in the element’s cross section |
Wall Resultants#
Column in the Excel file |
Description |
Revit Element Id |
Identification number of element in the Revit model (as provided in Revit by ) |
Identification number of the structural element in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
Loadcase |
Identification number of the loadcase in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
Location |
Relative position along the element’s height where the results is returned. 0 being the Bottom of the element and 1 being the Top. |
N [kN] | My [kNm] | Mz [kNm] | Vz [kN] | Vy [kN] |
Internal forces and moment values at this location of the element |
Design Elements#
In SOFiSTiK, a Design Element is a curve with Cross Section(s), which is used to integrate forces of Finite Elements. It provides design inputs for a structural member at given Loadcases and Locations along the curve independent of the FE model.
The following information and results about Design Elements is provided:
Design Elements#
Column in the Excel file |
Description |
Identification number of the design element in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
SOFiSTiK Name |
When applicable, name of the member (as provided in the panel SOFiSTiK Structural Properties) directly linked to the design element |
Length [m] |
Length of the design element |
Revit Element Category |
When applicable, Revit category of the member directly linked to the design element |
Revit Element Id |
When applicable, identification number of the member directly linked to the design element in the Revit model (as provided in Revit by ) |
Design Elements Forces#
Column in the Excel file |
Description |
Identification number of the design element in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
Loadcase |
Identification number of the loadcase in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
Location |
Relative position along the design element’s length, resp. height, where the results is returned. 0 being the Start, resp. Bottom, of the element and 1 being the End, resp. Top, of the element. |
X [m] | Y [m] | Z [m] |
Coordinates of the reference point where the forces and moments are determined for the design element |
N [kN] | My [kNm] | Mz [kNm] | Vz [kN] | Vy [kN] |
Internal forces and moment values at this location of the element |
Supports and Boundary Conditions#
Sheets Supports
and Support Forces
provides results everywhere supporting conditions are present in SOFiSTiK’s database. This includes where Revit Boundary Conditions are present as well as, for subsystems, where supporting elements are present.
The following information and results about supports is provided:
Column in the Excel file |
Description |
Revit Element Id |
Identification number of element in the Revit model (as provided in Revit by ) |
Element Category |
Name of the element’s Revit category |
Identification number of the structural element in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
SOFiSTiK Name |
Name as provided in the panel SOFiSTiK Structural Properties (and also value of the shared parameter |
Grid Location Start |
Element position in Revit according to the grid’s raster |
Grid Location End |
Element position in Revit according to the grid’s raster |
Supports Forces#
Column in the Excel file |
Description |
Revit Element Id |
Identification number of element in the Revit model (as provided in Revit by ) |
SOFiSTiK Type |
Type of the element in the SOFiSTiK database ( |
Identification number of the structural element in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
Loadcase |
Identification number of the loadcase in SOFiSTiK’s database ( |
PX [kN] | PY [kN] | PZ [kN] | MX [kNm] | MY [kNm] | MZ [kNm] |
Reaction forces and moment at boundary condition elements as well as at supporting elements in subsystems. Line Supports (of type |
Additional Information#
Results provided for Walls (Resultant Forces) are integrated Finite Element Results over the complete length and thickness of the walls.
They are sensitive to the mesh quality of the Finite Element Model (especially the amount of Finite Elements along the wall’s height).
The results in Excel are provided in the following Coordinate Systems:
Beam and Column Support results are in the local coordinate system of the Revit analytical element
Wall results are with X going upwards, Y orthogonal to the element’s plane and Z in the element’s plane
Support results are in the global coordinate system of the Revit model