Connect to CDB#
Problem Description#
To connect to the CDB, the project must be configured. The example below shows how to connect to the CDB.
Problem Solution#
An example can be found by following:
C:\<sofistik_installation>\2024\SOFiSTiK 2024\interfaces\examples\c#\connect_to_cdb
The folder contains:
Open the Visual Studio Solution (.SLN) and change the Filename
path in the MAIN.VB.
'Filename = full path with name of the cdb
Filename = "S:\test\test.cdb"
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Module main
'In this example, 64bit DLLs are used
Public Declare Function sof_cdb_init Lib "sof_cdb_w-2024.dll" Alias "VB_sof_cdb_init" (
ByVal name As String,
ByVal InitType As Integer
) As Integer
Public Declare Function sof_cdb_status Lib "sof_cdb_w-2024.dll" Alias "VB_sof_cdb_status" (
ByVal Index As Integer
) As Integer
Public Declare Function sof_cdb_close Lib "sof_cdb_w-2024.dll" Alias "VB_sof_cdb_close" (
ByVal Index As Integer
) As Integer
Sub Main()
Dim Filename As String
Dim Index As Integer
Dim Path As String
Dim analysisPath As String
Dim analysisPath2 As String
'Path of the SOFiSTIK Directory
analysisPath = "C:\sofistik_installation\trunk\SOFiSTiK trunk\interfaces\64bit"
analysisPath2 = "C:\sofistik_installation\trunk\SOFiSTiK trunk"
'Set the environment variable
Path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("path")
Path = analysisPath2 + ";" + analysisPath + ";" + Path
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("path", Path)
'Filename = full path with name of the cdb
Filename = "S:\test\test.cdb"
' To connect to the CDB we will use
Index = sof_cdb_init(Filename, 99)
If Index < 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Index= " & Index & " < 0 - see clib1.h for meaning of error codes")
Exit Sub
ElseIf Index = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Index= " & Index & " - The File is not a database")
Exit Sub
End If
' Output the index and status
Console.WriteLine("Index: " & Index)
'This outputs the status of the CDB, please refer to cdbase.chm for more details
Console.WriteLine("CDB Status: " & sof_cdb_status(Index))
' Close the CDB
Call sof_cdb_close(0)
'Check if CDB closed succesfully
If sof_cdb_status(Index) = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("CDB closed succesfully, status = 0")
End If
' Press any key to close the program
Console.Write("Press any <key> to close the program")
End Sub
End Module