Decode text from CDB#

Problem Description#

Decode the loadcase titles from integer values.

Problem Solution#

The Python project example can be found by following:

C:\<sofistik_installation>\2024\SOFiSTiK 2024\interfaces\examples\python\python_3.x\number2text

The loadcases information is stored in the record LC_CTRL 012/LC:?. The loadcase title is stored into RTEX array.

@25: RTEX     [str*32] |Designation of loadcase | Bezeichnung des Lastfalls

From SP 2020-4 or later, we provide in sof_cdb_w-2024.dll the C sof_lib_cs2ps(pckcode*, char*, int) function for decoding the integer values to text. Where pckcode is following typedef:

typedef unsigned int pckcode;

See below an example how to use the function via python:

# +============================================================================+
# | Company:   SOFiSTiK AG                                                     |
# | Version:   SOFiSTIK 2024                                                   |
# +============================================================================+

# In this example we will show how to use the sof_lib_ps2cs() function
# sof_lib_ps2cs() converts integer values to string

# import all types from, original file can be found by following
# --> examples/python/
from sofistik_daten import *
import os                     # for the environment variable necessary
import platform               # checks the python platform
from ctypes import *          # read the functions from the cdb

# This example has been tested with Python 3.7 (64-bit)
print("The path variable=", os.environ["Path"])

# Check the python platform (32bit or 64bit)
print("Python architecture=", platform.architecture())
sofPlatform = str(platform.architecture())

# Get the DLLs (32bit or 64bit DLL)
if sofPlatform.find("32Bit") < 0:
    # Set environment variable for the dll files
    print ("Hint: 64bit DLLs are used")

    # Set DLL dir path - new in PY 3.8 for ctypes
    # See:
    #os.add_dll_directory(r"C:\sofistik_installation\2024\SOFiSTiK 2024\interfaces\64bit")
    #os.add_dll_directory(r"C:\sofistik_installation\2024\SOFiSTiK 2024")

    # Get the DLL functions
    myDLL = cdll.LoadLibrary("sof_cdb_w-2024.dll")
    py_sof_cdb_get = cdll.LoadLibrary("sof_cdb_w-2024.dll").sof_cdb_get
    py_sof_cdb_get.restype = c_int

    py_sof_cdb_kenq = cdll.LoadLibrary("sof_cdb_w-2024.dll").sof_cdb_kenq_ex
    py_sof_lib_ps2cs = cdll.LoadLibrary("sof_cdb_w-2024.dll").sof_lib_ps2cs
    py_sof_lib_cs2ps = cdll.LoadLibrary("sof_cdb_w-2024.dll").sof_lib_cs2ps
    # Set environment variable for the DLL files
    print ("Hint: 32bit DLLs are used")

    # Set DLL dir path - new in PY 3.8 for ctypes
    # See:
    os.add_dll_directory(r"C:\sofistik_installation\2024\SOFiSTiK 2024\interfaces\32bit")
    os.add_dll_directory(r"C:\sofistik_installation\2024\SOFiSTiK 2024")

    # Get the DLL functions
    myDLL = cdll.LoadLibrary("cdb_w31.dll")
    py_sof_cdb_get = cdll.LoadLibrary("cdb_w31.dll").sof_cdb_get
    py_sof_cdb_get.restype = c_int

    py_sof_cdb_kenq = cdll.LoadLibrary("cdb_w31.dll").sof_cdb_kenq_ex
    py_sof_lib_ps2cs = cdll.LoadLibrary("cdb_w31.dll").sof_lib_ps2cs
    py_sof_lib_cs2ps = cdll.LoadLibrary("cdb_w31.dll").sof_lib_cs2ps

# Connect to CDB
Index = c_int()
cdbIndex = 99

# Set the CDB Path
# e.g. fileName = "S:\\test\\read_nodes.cdb"
fileName = r"S:\test\155852\155852.cdb"

# important: Unicode call!
Index.value = myDLL.sof_cdb_init(fileName.encode('utf-8'), cdbIndex)

cdbStat = c_int()  # get the CDB status
cdbStat.value = myDLL.sof_cdb_status(Index.value)

# Print the Status of the CDB
print("CDB Status:", cdbStat.value)

pos = c_int(0)
datalen = c_int(0)

ie = c_int(0)
datalen.value = sizeof(CLC_CTRL)
RecLen = c_int(sizeof(clc_ctrl))

# 17 array elements × 4 + include 0 (17*4+1)
s = create_string_buffer(17*4+1)

do while ie == 0, see cdbase.chm, Returnvalue.
    = 0 -> No error
    = 1 -> Item is longer than Data
    = 2 -> End of file reached
    = 3 -> Key does not exist
while ie.value < 2:
    ie.value = py_sof_cdb_get(Index, 12, 1, byref(clc_ctrl), byref(RecLen), 1)

    if ie.value < 2:
        myDLL.sof_lib_ps2cs(byref(clc_ctrl.m_rtex), byref(s), sizeof(s))

    # Always read the length of record before sof_cdb_get is called
    RecLen = c_int(sizeof(clc_ctrl))

# Close the CDB, 0 - will close all the files

# Print again the status of the CDB, if status = 0 -> CDB Closed successfully
cdbStat.value = myDLL.sof_cdb_status(Index.value)
if cdbStat.value == 0:
    print("CDB closed successfully, status = 0")