Elements must be visible in the active view and enabled to be considered.
For all elements of the physical model which are enabled, the analytical model counterparts get created. To enable elements, either select them manually or refer to Prepare.
All the relevant information, e.g., Structural Material, Section or Thickness is read from the physical elements and written to the new analytical elements. Structural Role is assigned based on the Model Category of the physical element.

GUI Wizard - Generate#
Different visibility settings allow to highlight or isolate elements during the process. SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator uses the following Revit technology for visualization:
Temporary Hide/Isolate
Entering Prepare, only the visible elements from the Start View are considered. They get loaded to a Temporary Hide/Isolate mode to respect the user selection. Previously invisible elements will be ignored, no matter what causes the invisibilty, e.g., Category Overrides, Filters or Hide by Element.
Temporary View Template
A set of View Templates is provided with the installation. During the steps of the Wizard, they are activated as Temporary View Templates to control various display settings, e.g., Category Overrides and Filters for better visibility of the relevant elements.
See also
To tweak the creation, change the presets in the configuration file under Analytical Elements Alignment. It is possible to define geometric limits as well as to prioritize the weight of the analytical elements.
Existing Analytical Model#
If an analytical model already exists and is visible in the active view, SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator will take this into consideration when running Generate.
If an analytical element is the counterpart to a physical element, Generate will update the element. Hosted data, e.g., loads or boundary conditions, should remain.
If an analytical element is not the counterpart to a physical element, SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator cannot assess from which element it derives and the user is offered a choice:
Keep the existing analytical elements, possibily resulting in multiple elements.
Deleting the existing analytical elements, possibly resulting in loss of (hosted) data.
Locking Mechanism#
For all elements of the physical model, where the analytical model counterparts already exist,
the Locked
parameter is available on the analytical elements.
If an analytical element is locked (Locked
), its properties are not adjusted
and it will keep its original location during the Generate step. SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator will still attempt
to connect the freely moving analytical elements to it.
When too many constraints are applied to the existing elements, SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator cannot obtain a properly aligned new analytical model, as shown in the following example.

Locking mechanism during Generate step - one constraint (left) and two conflicting constraints (right)#
Please be advised that locking analytical elements impacts the resulting analytical model and SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator may not be able to obtain the optimal analytical model.
Restrictions when working with an Existing Analytical Model apply.
Local Coordinate System#
The local coordinate system for analytical elements is based on the orientation of the respective elements of the physical model at the time of creation (it will not be kept up-to-date at all times).
The orientation is similar to the behavior in Autodesk® Revit® 2022, with added functionality for Walls.
For Floors, Analytical Panels with Structural Role: Floor are generated. The local coordinate system follows these rules:
local x-axis is aligned with the span direction of the associated elements,
local y-axis according to right-hand-rule,
local z-axis facing upwards.
Existing Analytical Panels may change during re-run of Generate step, e.g., when the span direction wasn’t aligned previously or has since changed.
Please check your analytical model carefully.
For Walls, Analytical Panels with Structural Role: Wall are generated. The local coordinate system can be influenced by the respective settings in Analytical Elements Geometry
Uniformly according to global coordinate system#
The local coordinate system follows these rules:
local x-axis facing upwards,
local y-axis according to right-hand-rule,
local z-axis according to nearest global X- or Y-axis in positive direction.
Individually according to wall orientation#
The local coordinate system follows these rules:
local x-axis facing upwards,
local y-axis according to right-hand-rule,
local z-axis according to the orientation of wall (direction of exterior face).
Existing Analytical Panels may change during re-run of Generate step, e.g., when the local coordinate systems wasn’t aligned previously or the exterior face has since changed.
Please check your analytical model carefully.
Analytical Levels#
This feature is only available for 2023-10 and above.
To align horizontal elements (analytical panels for floors and analytical members for beams) with specific levels only, the following options exist:
On a global scale via settings in the configuration, where the option Align to Adjacent Level can be activated and a search tolerance be specified.
To meet the engineers’ need to determine which levels are relevant, the property Analytical has been introduced.
Only such levels with Analytical =
are being considered.On an instance base for individual overrides, where specific levels can be selected, independently from the Analytical property.
Vertical Alignment for Floors and Beams#
This feature is only available for 2023-10 and above.
The vertical alignment follows the global settings of the configuration file. If needed, it is possible to define local overrides on an individual element basis by selecting the physical element.
Choose a different face of the physical element or pick a specific reference (level or reference plane).
Use cases are: - the adjacent level search does not lead to the desired results, - sloped elements are involved or - generally more control is desired.