Notes de version (en anglais)#
This list represents the reported issues resolved within SOFiSTiK Bridge Modeler. The issues are directly reported by users via Product Support Cases and SOFiSTiK Communities.
2024-8.0 / 2025-2.0 (10.12.2024)#
Constraing Points to create external prestressing were added to Local Modifiers
Station at start is propagated to corresponding GuidingCurve parameters of Tendons (Range and Local Modifiers)
Enhanced Tendon Set Axis and Duplicate commands to map Placements, in case the ID (name) is matching
Multi-Select of Rebars in Infra Browser is added and synchronized with Edit Rebar Modeler command
Hook rotations are supported by the Duplicate Rebar Modeler command
Infra Browser supports Tendon Adaptive Reference
Shape Handle points of Cross Member Array can be assigned to the Host Axis
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with defining the Slope of Boundary Modifiers when Option Composition of Control Points was applied
Fixed a problem with interpolation points from depended variables in Equation Editor
Fixed various problems with Quantification tool
Fixed a problem with Tendon pending elements
Fixed a problem with extended longitudinal rebar
Fixed a problem with intersection reference in Rebar Modeler when edge was selected as path
Fixed a problem with duplicated placement’s ID, when pasted into table
Fixed a problem with guiding curve of Parapet/Railing tool in case of small discontinuities
2024-7.0 / 2025-1.0 (18.10.2024)#
Straight Length input was added in Boundary Modifiers (Tendon Modeler)
Model Style Options (curve, surface, volume) were added in the Styles (Tendon Modeler)
New possibility to define Start/End of path in Rebar Modeler - Surface intersection with path
Process Immediately Option was added to Tendon Modeler
Guiding curves input is added to Parapet and Railing dialogs
Improved update mechanism for Tendons
Improved update mechanism for Axis / Edge Dimensions
Geometry transfer in 3dm format was added (2025-1 only)
Dark Mode for Rebar Modeler Dialog was added
Dark Mode for Tendon Modeler Dialog was added
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with order of Interior Bond Type in Rebar Modeler
Fixed a problem with association of RebarShapes in Generic families
Fixed a problem with Axis/Edge Dimension when Curve ID was not found
Fixed a problem with Revit Crush when computing Quantification on failed superstructures
Fixed a problem with secondary axes on polycurves
Fixed a problem with representation of tendons in Longitudinal Section
Fixed a problem with invalid placements of Substructure at non-tangential connections
Fixed a problem with synchronization of guiding curves by Export/Import of Infra Model
Fixed a problem with confirmation of selected curves/edges in selection mode
Fixed a problem with Station Selector if used in certain conditions
Fixed a problem with ScrollEvent in Tendon Dialog
Fixed a problem with anchoradges on tendons, when created on path in adaptive source
Fixed a problem with continuity condition in composed variables
Fixed a problem with switching of view when updating axis/edge dimension
Fixed a problem with style update of axis/edge dimension
Fixed a problem with accuracy when using reference to axis
Fixed a problem with rename of tendons and library types
Fixed a problem with 2D canvas when displaying long axis
Fixed a problem with Revit Crush after Copy/Paste a table in certain situation
Fixed a problem with an error after refresh of Substructure after reparametrisation of axis
2023-12.0 / 2024-6.0 (07.08.2024)#
[2024] Tendon Modeler was added
[2024] Custom Styles for Axis/Edge Dimensions
[2024] Placements can be added graphicaly with automatic rotation using Add Placement tool
New Option for Superstructure - Void Cut at Boundaries
Increased performance of the Preview in Dialogs
Quantification and Properties can work with Shared Parameters, that exist already in the Family
Unfolded Longitudinal Section working also in Horizontal direction
Visibility On/Off option for the Preview in Dialogs
Multiple enhancements in Rebar Modeler including Void Cut Option
New Option for creation of Axis from Curve and from Projection was added
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with override Sub-components of nested families while loading into project
Fixed a problem with Curve/Point Dimension with Rebars as target
Fixed a problem with invalid Placements at non-tangential connections
Fixed a problem with Interpolation of Linear Segments of Tendon
Fixed a problem with update performance of modified Tendons
Fixed a problem with synchronization of Guiding Curve References in InfraModel
Fixed a problem with Quantification and Assigment of Volume in Families with subcomponents
2025-0.0 (18.07.2024)#
Tendon Generator was added
Custom Styles for Axis/Edge Dimensions
Multiple enhancements in Rebar Modeler including Void Cut Option
Placements can be added graphicaly with automatic rotation using Add Placement tool
New Option for Superstructure - Void Cut at Boundaries
Increased performance of the Preview in Dialogs
Quantification and Properties can work with Shared Parameters, that exist already in the Family
Unfolded Longitudinal Section working also in Horizontal direction
2023-10.0 / 2024-4.0 (19.04.2024)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with assignment of Shape Handle Points to non-tangential polycurves
Fixed a problem with geometry generation by Shear Mapping in certain situation
Fixed a problem with properties in Cross Member and Superstructure
Fixed a problem with evaluation of volume by Quantification tool
Fixed a problem with missing elements in the Longitudinal Section
Fixed a problem with secondary axis with certain input
Fixed a problem with multiple intersecction of curve/planes (Shape Handle Point)
Fixed a problem with graphics in section by auto-generated geometry of placements
2023-9.0 / 2024-3.0 (02.02.2024)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with with model lines in Rebar Shape Family for Rebar Modeler.
Fixed a problem with poor performance while changing Rebar Host in Rebar Modeler.
Fixed a problem with self-intersecting geometry of Superstructure
Fixed a problem with projection of edges in Longitudinal Section for Linked Models
Fixed a problem with virtual variable by changing Rebar Host in Rebar Modeler
Tables in Dialogs can be adjusted.
You can include/exclude parameter from table if the option Inherit Host Parameter in Rebar Modeler dialog is activated.
2022-12.1 / 2023-8.0 / 2024-2.0 (01.12.2023)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with start and end Rebar of longitudinal Set
Fixed a problem with hooks orientation of the rebar sets
Fixed a problem with axis/edge dimension in case of axis with polycurves
Fixed a problem with custom family for placement representation
Fixed a problem with Family Symbol by axis update
New functionality in Infra Browser to open Family or Profile Family of selected component
Infra Browser supports rebar created with the Rebar Modeler
Naming for Rebar Systems of Rebar Modeler added
Shape Handle Points of the Substructure can be assigned to the closest face of any solid
Impovements of Service Pack 2023-7.0 / 2024-1.0 are available for 2022-12.1
2023-7.0 / 2024-1.0 (06.10.2023)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with zoom in the 2D canvas in Axis Dialog.
Fixed a problem with with Void Cut for Superstructure Component with linear interpolation.
Fixed a problem with Offset Parameters for Railing
Fixed a problem with Quantification in Superstructure with Void Cut option
Fixed a problem with Import of Feature Lines with curves smaller then platform requirenments
Fixed a problem with Axis Reverse tool for Axis made of polycurve
Fixed a problem with Longitudinal section for large terrains and meshes
Fixed a problem with Station Pointer in various situations
Fixed a problem that prevented creating Rebar Sets in a particular geometry
New Virtual Variables are added to Equation Editor
Context Menu was added to 2D Canvas in Axis Dialog
Option to select Placement Representation and adjust 2D Canvas was added to Settings
Use spacebar to control the position of start/end of the Rebar Shape in the family
Map parametrization from the guiding curve of a Rebar System to the corresponding axis
2022-12.0 / 2023-6.0 (08.08.2023)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with with the geometry accuracy of secondary axes.
Fixed a problem with Quantification in nested families
Fixed a problem with Parapet generation on polycurves
Fixed a problem with zoom in Axis 2D Canvas
Rebar Modeler for Infrastructure (Version 2023 or higher)
Generation of Transcient Geometry for pending Superstructure Components
New 2D canvas in Axis dialog
Search panel in Infra Browser
2024-0.0 Release (15.07.2023)#
Reinforcement Modeler for Infrastructure
Generation of Transcient Geometry for pending Superstructure Components
New 2D canvas in Axis dialog
Search panel in Infra Browser
2021-19.0 / 2022-11.0 / 2023-5.0 Release (24.05.2023)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with creation of secondary axis, when defined by formula
Fixed a problem with accuracy of Shape Handle Points when assigned to complex secondary axis
Fixed a problem with Constrained Axis in vertical position
Fixed a problem with Axis dialog and closed loops of references
Fixed a problem with subcategory assignment in Superstructure components
Fixed a problem with rotations between Alignment objects, when created by offset
Substructure components can be placed on secondary axis
Railing tool is redesigned with new path selection and stationing possibilities
Parapet tool is redesigned with new path selection and stationing possibilities
Shape Handle Points are always assigned to Axes (with default NONE) in various dialog to ensure better workflow
2021-18.0 / 2022-9.0 / 2023-3.0 Release (10.02.2023)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with cutting Superstructure with Void elements
Fixed a problem with assignment of Shape Handle to axis with complex geometry
Fixed a problem with working on cload models
Fixed a problem with axis dialog when geometry had polylines
Fixed a problem with creation of sections when placements are not accurate
Point Query in station query was added ref_query
Directions of lines/curves/axes in point was added to Station Query
2021-17.0 / 2022-8.0 / 2023-2.0 Release (09.12.2022)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with assignment and accuracy of Shape Handle Points
Fixed a problem with Stationning (parametrisation of curve)
Fixed a problem with secondary Axis if created from multiple lines
Fixed a problem with chord lengths array when calculated from interval end
Snap Direction in Settings Dialog “Curve Intersection” available
Edit Pending Definition in Infra Browser available
Assignment of Shape Handle Point to secondary Axis of different Axis available
Shape Handle Point Parametrization available for Components at secondary Axis
New Measurements Types (Horizontal Projection and Arc Length) are added to Layout Rule
2021-16.0 / 2022-7.0 / 2023-1.0 Release (07.10.2022)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with graphical station selector for scaled screen and views on plan
Fixed a problem with point and curve dimensions in terms of performance
Fixed a problem with Superstructure component at polycurves
Fixed a problem with Tendon import from CDB
Fixed a problem with Infra Browser when command is in progress
Selection of any Reference point in Profile for Elevation Points command
Elevation Points can be calculated according to the Axis (coordinate system selection)
Longitudinal Section command supports linked models
Variable definition supports multiple values at the same station (index)
Superstructure command supports materials without physical asset
2021-15.0 / 2022-6.0 / 2023-0.0 Release (22.07.2022)#
Axis can be defined with additional angle between each alignment entity
Axis from Curve/Projection support multi select and Revit Alignment and creates polycurves
Point and Curve Dimension commands for Infrastructure-specific detailing
Dynamo Nodes for SOFiSTiK Bridge + Infrastructure Modeler are available (available currently in 2023)
New Component Properties are added: Length, Projected Length, Chord Length, Projected Chord Length, Volume
New Special Variable for Cross Member is added: angle “phi”
Axis can be imported from LandXML with adjusted direction at start of each alignment entity
New context Menu commands in Infra Browser are added
Superstructure (Repeater) can be defined with additional offset to the placement
Placement can be created from Superstructure (Repeater) dialog and assigne simultaneously
New option for Superstructure (Repeater) command to cut component with the placement plane
Terrain Geometry creation and Void elements generated by Dynamo Library
New Option in Superstructure (Repeater) Template override
PlanFeature (FeatureLine in Civil3D) can be imported as Axis from LandXML
2020-14.0 / 2021-14.0 / 2022-3.0 Release (11.02.2022)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with volume quantification in nested families
Fixed a problem with stationing at secondary axis when “Consider Rotation” option was activated
Fixed a problem with Elevation Points
Fixed a problem with definition of long axes
Fixed various problems
Fixed a problem with with Edge/Axis Dimensions
Fixed a problem with Superstructure tool for thin profiles
Fixed a problem with Superstructure Repeater after Placements are deselected/deleted
Fixed a problem with filled regions in Longitudinal Section
Fixed a problem with grids on sec. Axis and Axis from Points
Increased accuracy for axis imported with given range
While importing the axis with given range, aquired coordinates will be adjusted according to new axis origin
New possibility to rename the component in the “Element Info” in Infra Browser was added
2020-13.0 / 2021-13.0 / 2022-2.0 Release (03.12.2021)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with properties by Cross Member Array tool
Fixed a problem with Quantification values after Axis Refresh
Fixed a problem with with Beams comman while placing on Girder Layout with Spacing Set
Fixed various problems with Parapets tool
Fixed a problem Cross Member (with Railing Category) in Infra Browser
New commands (process pending, refresh element) were added to Infra Browser
New panel “Element Info” was added to Infra Browser
Support of TRA + GRA formats for Axis import was added
2020-12.0 / 2021-12.0 / 2022-1.0 Release (08.10.2021)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with dimensioning lines in Bridge Profiles in some cases
Fixed a problem with Placement naming
Fixed a problem with creation of railing on cut elements (with void)
Fixed a problem with secondary axis parametrisation
Fixed a problem with axis from projection in some cases
Fixed a problem with parameters of railing family and preview
Element Dimension tool is added
References Dimension tool is added
Cut-Edge Dimension tool is added
Match Parameters tool is enhanced to support Components at different axes
2020-11.0 / 2021-11.0 / 2022-0.0 Release (22.07.2021)#
Support of Infrastructure categories by component creation
Assignment of Infrastructure Categories for Superstructure components (Version 2022)
User interface: Infra Browser and Station Query are now available
Properties for Cross Member and Substructure are added
Create Dimensions from Profile tool is added
Process Model Definitions on demand option is added
Terrain Intersection behaviour is changed
Terrain Subtraction command is added
Improvements of layout rules: Spacing Set and Number with Spacing are added
Improvements of layout rules: Measurement types (curve parameter, chord length and projected chord length) are added
Improvements of layout rules: each placement interval can be taken into account at once (Apply for each interval checkbox)
Add Placements tool is now available
Graphical Station selector for multiple command is now available in the dialogs
Snap direction for graphical station selection is now available in Settings Dialog
Base Elevation for Vertical Alignment of an Axis is added
2020-10.0 / 2021-10.0 Release (11.06.2021)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with Quantification assignment in Nested Families.
Fixed a problem with Split Axis Stationiong on dimensioning lines.
Fixed a problem with creation of Superstructure component in special cases.
Fixed a problem with Shear Mapping for Superstructure component.
2020-9.0 / 2021-9 Release (20.04.2021)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with Elevation Points tool in case the component is assigned to secondary axis.
Fixed a problem with component naming by Superstructure Duplicate tool.
Fixed a problem with Revit crash in situation with invalid Families parametrization.
Fixed a problem with accuracy of created components assigned to large Axis was fixed.
Fixed a problem with definition of Bloss Curve in Horizontal alignment
Fixed a problem with updated of Axis defined between placements.
New style for station display is added. Handling of negative stationing is improved.
Terrain Intersection tool is added.
Split axis tool is added.
Shared Parameters (SOFiSTiK_AxisId and SOFiSTiK_HostAxisId) for Axis elements are added.
In case of unsupported signs (Variable or Secondary Axis ) by SOFiPLUS, Analysis link tool will correct them.
An option to turn off the automatic update of elements is added in Settings dialog.
Biquadratic Curve for Horizontal alignment was added.
New option to ignore vertical alignment discontinuties is added to Superstructure tool.
2020-8.0 / 2021-8 Release (05.02.2020)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with assignment of Shape Handle Points to secondary axis.
Fixed a problem with nested families in longitudinal view.
Fixed a problem with automatic creation of section views in some cases.
Fixed a problem with accuracy for secondary axis in some cases.
Match Properties functionality was added for Superstructure and Cross Member tools.
You can assign Shape Handle point of Substructure components to topography or an axis.
You can place Substructure component at any station (not only at placements).
Terrain Model import supports ACIS(.sat), STL(.stl) and Rhino(.3dm) formats.
2020-7.0 / 2021-7 Release (09.12.2020)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with Shape Handle Points for Suubstructure Tool
Fixed a problem with Layout Rule by Railing Tool
Fixed a problem with angle accuracy. Vertical orientation of created section views is improved.
Fixed a problem with Laout Rule by Superstructure Repeater tool.
Fixed a problem with Edit Railing tool.
Fixed a problem with Longitudinal View crated on secondary axis.
Fixed a problem with invisible Girder Reference lines.
Fixed a problem with Import of Shared Parameters for Quantification tool, when TXT file is not selected in Shared Parameters Revit dialog.
Quantification tool: Assignemnt of Parameters to geometries for each Family Type. Important! Previous assignment in Families has to be defined again.
Quantification Reset Values tool was added.
Cross Member Array tool supports Adaptive Generic Families with 2 or 3 Adaptive Points.
Definition of Sart/End panels for Railing tool
Option to aquire cooridnates by import of an Axis or Terrain Model was added
Improved stability of Shear Mapping by generation of Superstructure Components.
Improved performance of Girder Layout tool. In case user defined families for Girder Reference are used, you need to Mark Girder Reference lines again.
Extrusion of Terrain Model in positive Z Axis was added.
2020-6.0 / 2021-6 Release (28.09.2020)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with renaming the view in Revit 2021
Fixed a problem with default family for Parapets tool
Fixed a problem with topography representation in longitudinal section
Fixed a problem with Shape Handle assignment and positioning (no reference found problem)
Fixed a problem with lost source element after duplicating the parapet element
Fixed a problem with geometry of partly imported axis from LandXML
Fixed a problem with Import and Export of data for projects in cloud
Parameter manager - Assignment of Shared Parameters to Superstructure Component Properties and Quantities
Superstructure Component Properties
Enhancements for material assignment - to Global Parameters and Shared Parameters in Properties
2020-5.0 / 2021-5 Release (09.07.2020)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem with stationing for Cross Member funcitonality
Fixed a problem with orientation and rotation of Cross Memeber elements
Fixed a problem with Shape Hendle assignment and positioning
Fixed a problem with creation of section views for invalid profiles
Fixed a problem with update of Component Repeater elements
Creation and import of Digital Terrain Model
Enhancement of components with naming, subcategories and form selection.
Settings Dialog with File location and Accuracy
Sketch Axis
Bridge Rail workflow
Axis parametrisation mode can be selected for Axis imported from CSV files
Range definition for longitudinal section
2020-4.1 Release (27.04.2020)#
Analytical Link functionality was added. New workflow enables exchange of geometrical information (axis and superstructure components) with SOFiPLUS(-X) for structural analysis.
2020-4 Release (02.04.2020)#
Resolved issues
Fixed a problem number layout rule for Superstructure repeater
Fixed a problem with missing elements in Superstructure Repeater tool
Fixed a problem with angle at start/end for components in Superstructure Repeater tool
Fixed a problem with Component Update with reference to an axis
Fixed a problem with missing gap at end of Superstructure Repeater chainage
Fixed a problem with assignment of Shape Handle Points
Duplicate Functionality for Cross Member, Parapets and Railing tools
Create Axis from Projection tool
Adjustment of Stationing and geometry of secondary axis according to the placement rotation (only in horizontal direction)
Placement orientation (vertical or orthogonal) is considered by definition of Vertical Offset of Secondary Axis
Definition of Secondary Axis using Equation Editor
Utilisation of Secondary Axis U/V Offsets in Equation Editor (of the same secondary axis)
Utilisation of Variable created by Equation Editor in an another equation
Evaluation of Variable at specific station in Equation Editor
2020-3 Release (14.02.2020)#
Resolved issues
Fixed problem with dimensioning lines in created sections
Fixed problem with creation of section views between two append stations
Fixed problem with updating the cross member arrays with axis parametrisation
Fixed problem with creation of section views between two append stations
Fixed problem with Placements naming
New parametrisation method with Shape Handle Points is introduce for Superstructure, Cross Member Array and Girder Layout tools
Graphical selection of axis for parametrisation in dialogs
2020-2 Release (14.12.2019)#
Resolved issues
Fixed problem with missing elements and patterns in longitudinal section (secondary axis)
Fixed problem with no material in components with two profiles
Fixed problem with with edit tool for Cross Member Array
Fixed problem with representation of placements that were defined with version 2020-0
Fixed problem with import of axis range: location and direction
Fixed problem with visibility of variable in Beams Dialog
Fixed problem with incorrect dimensions while using shear mapping
Fixed problem with parametrisation to axis of Cross Member Array
Fixed problem with Shear Mapping by Girder Systems
Axis Constrained and Unconstrained functionalities were added
Creation of straight axis between two placements two placements was added
Superstructure Duplicate functionality was added
Superstructure Repeater funtionality was added
Matching Type Properties functionality was added in Superstructure creation tool
Axis and Edge dimensioning can be created without Grid Elements
Automatic variables with values of angles between placements and beam elements (in girder layout workflow)
Available “Edit” Icon in Modify Tab after selection of axis or bridge elements
3D measure tool - in Other drop-down
Edit Axis created by curve tool - in other drop-down
2020-1 Release (14.10.2019)#
Resolved issues
Fixed problem with dialogs while using Windows 7
Fixed issue with direction at start in some LandXML files (LandXML import)
Fixed problem that caused disconnecting secondary axis from main axis by “Disconnect” tool
Fixed problem with material in Component Family, when “Profiles at Discontinuity Points option was activated
Various fixed for geometry creation
Performance - only Components influenced by Axis modifications will be regenerated
Placements name and placements station visible in 3D view
Graphical selection of placement in Superstructure dialog
New Subcategory for placements and placements annotation
Option to ignore the placements location by creation of Superstructure Component was added
Material input in Parapet tool was added
Profiles and Girder References can be defined in nested families
2020-0 Release (31.07.2019)#
Check Functionalities at a glance and What’s new in SOFiSTiK Bridge Modeler 2021 to get an overview of all features and new functionalities in 2021.