Beta Testing Phase is over.
SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator is now available to the general public. Special thanks go to our customers that participated in the beta testing phase.
SOFiSTiK Application Manager¶
Downloads of our products are handled through SOFiSTiK Application Manager (SAM).
SOFiSTiK Account¶
After the installation of the product with SOFiSTiK Application Manager (SAM), you are prompted to sign in using a SOFiSTiK Account.
You are required to provide a valid mail address, to which a one-time password will be sent to finalize the sign up process.
SOFiSTiK Analytical Model Generator will check your sign in status for each session. If you are logged out, you cannot use our product.
This process needs to be repeated for each machine our product is installed on. If multiple users operate on the same machine, they need to sign in individually.