Tendon Dialog#

In the SOFiSTiK: Tendon Dialog you can define and modify Tendon elements.


Prestressing Framework is divided into following sections:

  • Tendons icon_Tendon_Dialog_Tendons - with the definition of each individual tendon element

  • Cluster Library icon_Tendon_Dialog_Cluster_Library - collection of all grouped definitions

Both Tendons and Cluster library consist of series of input types, which define the geometry and other attributes.



Changes of input are synchronized in the Tendon and Cluster Library definitions. Please make sure, that you create new type of definition, in case only current tendon should be modified.



In this table you can see the summary of each individual tendon. You can make adjustments by selecting individual definition type (e.g. basis geometry and scope) for each data input box.


Basis Geometry#



Select, duplicate icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Duplicate or rename icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Rename Basis Geometry definition type of the tendon. You can adjust definition type in Cluster Library icon_Tendon_Dialog_Cluster_Library or directly in Properties window after unlocking the Type Values icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_UnlockValues.


  • Geometric Source

  • Local Modifiers

  • Control Points

  • Orientation - you can define the orientation of tendon profiles according to the tendons middle axis

  • Rotations - you can choose if the placement’s rotation should influence the geometry of the tendons or not

  • Offset U - gives an additional offset in horizontal direction to the curve extracted from geometric source. Value can be constant or connected to variable

  • Offset V - gives an additional offset in vertical direction to the curve extracted from geometric source. Value can be constant or connected to variable

Control Points#

Definition of control points have direct influence to the modification of the Basis Geometry with Local Modifiers.

  • Superimposed - makes a sum of the Basis Geometry Curve with the Curves produced with the Local Modifiers : f(s) + g(s)

  • Composed - makes a chainage of the Basis Geometry Curves applying the Local Modifiers. In other words, Curves from Local Modifiers will ‘override’ the parts of curves defined in Basis Geometry : g(f(s))


In case the ‘Composed’ option was selected for the curve definition, additional information may be needed to correctly apply the modification of the curves due to the Local Modifiers input. For example, definition of curve domain, that should be influenced by the rounding radius. You can give two stations (before and after the Radius input), that define this domain or use one of the automatic options to restrict the modification.

Restrict at:

  • Inflection (Points) - points at the curve, that change the direction of curvature.

  • Local max/min - points at the curve that show local minimum and maximum values. For typical tendon definition, these will be high and low points of the cable.


Geometric Source#


Select, duplicate icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Duplicate or rename icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Rename Geometric Source definition of the tendon. You can adjust definition in Cluster Library icon_Tendon_Dialog_Cluster_Library or directly in Properties window after unlocking the Type Values icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_UnlockValues.


Source Kind - you can select the kind of data, that will be taken as Basis Geometry

  • Host Axis - axis, that tendons are placed on

  • Guiding Curve - selected curve in model

  • Adaptive Family - extruded point or path along an axis according to the parametrisation of the profile

Element - in case the Guiding Curve is selected as Source, you can pick the Curve in the model as Basis Geometry of tendon > icon_Axis_Selection

Object - in case the Adaptive Family is selected as Source, you can choose between the available object (Point or Path), which are created with Adaptive Reference command. Points or Paths are extruded along the axis creating Basis Geometry


Local Modifiers#


Select, duplicate icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Duplicate or rename icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Rename Local Modifiers definition of the tendon. You can adjust definition in Cluster Library icon_Tendon_Dialog_Cluster_Library or directly in Properties window after unlocking the Type Values icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_UnlockValues.

Table U / V#

  • Parameter - you can define a station along the axis with multiple ways. For example, with reference to placement or with exact station. Additionally, you can give additional offset and measurement method

  • Value - defines an offset from the original curve

  • Transition Type
    • Freeform

    • Polygonal

    • Uniform

    • Forward

    • Backward

  • Radius - defines a radius that should be implemented at the specific Station (Parameter)

  • Influence of Radius - defines the range (length) of the arc, that is created with the previously given radius

  • Straight forward - defines the length of the straight curve that should be implemented from given station onwards

  • Straight backward - defines the length of the straight curve that should be implemented from given station backwards

  • Slope




Select, duplicate icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Duplicate or rename icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Rename Local Modifiers definition of the tendon. You can adjust definition in Cluster Library icon_Tendon_Dialog_Cluster_Library or directly in Properties window after unlocking the Type Values icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_UnlockValues.


  • Range - defines the start and end of the tendon along an axis

  • Boundary Modifiers Start /End - defines geometrical changes in end-zones with anchorage family



You can define beginning and end of each tendon. You can choose between multiple available choices, such as, Placement Reference or selection of station.


Boundary Modifiers#

You can define geometrical changes at the beginning and end of the tendon. Additionally, you can place an 3D Anchorage family (generic model) at both ends.


Select, duplicate icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Duplicate or rename icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Rename Local Modifiers definition of the tendon. You can adjust definition in Cluster Library icon_Tendon_Dialog_Cluster_Library or directly in Properties window after unlocking the Type Values icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_UnlockValues.


Transition U / V#

  • Value - defines an additional offset measured from the tendon curve.

  • Transition Type
    • Free Form - creates a spline through the interpolation points.

    • Polygonal - creates a linear interpolation between the points. In case no radius is defined, a non-tangential transition to tendon curve will be applied.

  • Transition Length - defines the range of the transition.

  • Slope - defines the slope of the transition at Boundary.

  • Radius - defines the radius of curvature at end of transition.

  • Influence Length - defines the arc length of transition that will be modified by the specified Radius.


Elongation T#

You can increase / decrease the Curve along its main development

Value - lenght by which the curve will be shortened or elongated

Reduced interval is implemented only when the curve must be shortened (value is positive at start or negative at end)

  • Trim Curve - The curve will be cut at parameter

  • Linear Interpolation - Line from Original End-Point to new location at elongated parameter

  • Extrapolate Start/End - Tangential extrapolation at parameter



Family Type - select Adaptive Generic Model Family with one Adaptive Point to place at the beginning or end of the tendon. Family will be placed in tangential direction with respect to the adaptive point. Flip Direction - you can flip the direction of the selected Family. Typically at the end of the tendon.




Select, duplicate icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Duplicate or rename icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Rename Attributes definition of the tendon. You can adjust definition in Cluster Library icon_Tendon_Dialog_Cluster_Library or directly in Properties window after unlocking the Type Values icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_UnlockValues.


Material - You can assign the material to the created tendon elements

Tendon Profile - you can choose between different options of the tendon profile * Circular - with definition of diameter * Polygonal - with definition of U/V values * Custom Profile - with selection of Family Type. This profile family should be Adaptive Generic Model with single Adaptive Point and one closed line loop

Associated Element - you can associate tendon with other element, e.g. Superstructure component, to inherit the parameter values.

Inherit Parametric Pattern:

  • Associated Element - matches the parameters from associated element to the basis geometry input (adaptive family)

  • Parent - in case an Adaptive Reference Point or Path is created on another Reference Path, you can also match its parametrisation with the current input

Ignore placement locations - takes into account only placements at the start and end of the tendon

Element Style#


Select, duplicate icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Duplicate or rename icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Rename Element Style definition of the tendon. You can adjust definition in Cluster Library icon_Tendon_Dialog_Cluster_Library or directly in Properties window after unlocking the Type Values icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_UnlockValues.


Model Type:

  • Direct Shape - created tendon element as 3D DirectShape object with all attributes and material. These elements have good overall performance, but cannot be used for cut and join operations.

  • Free Form Family - created tendon element as 3D generic model family with all attributes and material. These elements can be modified with native Revit tools.

  • Wire Frame - creates tendon element as single line. This method has very good performance and can be used at the beginning of design process.

Category - you can assign tendon to any Category from Infrastructure section, as well as Duct and others

Subcategory - you can assign tendon to any Subcategory available in the selected Category

Properties - You can assign additional tendon-related properties to shared parameter. See Properties section for further information


You can enhance tendon with additional information by assigning the Tendon properties (such as Name or Length) to Shared Parameter.


Select, duplicate icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Duplicate or rename icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_Rename Properties definition of the tendon. You can adjust Properties definition in Cluster Library icon_Tendon_Dialog_Cluster_Library or directly in Properties window after unlocking the Type Values icon_Tendon_Dialog_Type_UnlockValues.


Tendon Parameters - you can extract additional tendon-related information from created tendon. These tendon properties are assigned to the Shared Parameter and can be shared later on with the model.


SOFiSTiK: Tendon Dialog provides multiple choises of preview for Geometry display.

You can choose between:

  • Horizontal icon_Tendon_Dialog_HorizontalView

  • Vertical icon_Tendon_Dialog_VerticalView

  • Orthogonal icon_Tendon_Dialog_OrthogonalView

  • 3D View icon_Tendon_Dialog_3DView

Additionally, there are multiple options to turn on/off individual components of the geometrical input:

  • Compound geometry icon_Tendon_Dialog_CompoundView

  • Offsets icon_Tendon_Dialog_EccentricitiesView

  • Local Modifiers icon_Tendon_Dialog_LocalModView

  • Boundary Modifiers icon_Tendon_Dialog_BoundModView

  • Development icon_Tendon_Dialog_DevelopmentView

You can also show representation of selected tendon icon_Tendon_Dialog_show_selected or all tendons in the cluster icon_Tendon_Dialog_show_all.

Using the slider and numerical input you cab control accuracy of display. The greater the accuracy, the lower the performance of preview.