Parapets Profile#
You can use Parapets command to create bridge parapets along the chosen edge. Generated object is an adaptive component family, which is constructed using loft functionality with the adaptive profiles.
You can find 2 types of parapet profile in the installation directory.
You can use already prepared Revit Families, customize them or create your own ones.
- If you want to customize your own parapet:
Copy one parapet profile, rename it and save it locally
Open the family and change the parameters or geometry according to your wish. Move Point Elements or add new ones.
Use ‘Spline Through Points’ command to create a closed loop between the points.
While creating a loop, select two points and click on the ‘Spline Through Points’ command. Otherwise you can meet some difficulties while creating the loop.
Parapet Profiles have defined points, which determine the proper orientation of the parapet profile along an edge. These points are crucial for curved and sloped bridges.
- Parapet Profile Points:
Adaptive point, that defines the position of the parapet in respect of the chosen edge.
Adaptive point, that defines the direction of parapet profile according to the bridge deck and the width of the parapet on the deck (Offset input in SOFiSTiK: Parapets Dialog)
Adaptive point, that defines the vertical direction of the parapet outside of the bridge deck.
Point ‘1’ is necessary in the parapet profile definition. Points ‘2’ and ‘3’ are not necessary, however the geometry will not be adjusted in the respect of, an Offset input (in dialog) and curved and sloped bridge geometry.