Girder Reference Family#

Girder Reference Families are Profile Families with lines marked as Girder Reference.


You can use Mark or Mark Invisible commands in Girder Reference panel to mark selected lines as a reference for girder layout in Girder System tool. Only families with line(s) marked as Girder Reference will be listed in the Girder System dialog.


You can use the same Profile families to create other components using Superstructure command.

You can find some types of beam families in the installation directory.


  • Single Slope

  • Single Slope Simple

  • Double Slope

  • Double Slope Simple

Listed above Families are loaded into project with first usage of Girder System command.

You can use already prepared Revit Families, customize them or create your own ones.


You can copy any existing Girder Reference Family, save it locally and adjust. This process can save you some time while creating the parameters and profiles.

You can customize Girder Reference family as Profile Families family.

Use Mark, Mark Invisible and Unmark commands to change the references of for girder layout.