Point and Curve Dimension#
Point Dimension#
Creates a dimension between two or more references. References are created as detail elements and placed by clicking on the selected components, lines or edges.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Shop Drawings panel
Point or Curve Dimension drop-down
(Point Dimension)
Click on any edge, line or element to create two or more references.
Confirm with Enter.
Dimension will be placed on the given references. You can move it or change type afterwards.
Curve Dimension#
Creates a dimension between two or more references. References are created as detail elements and placed on the intersection between the curves and cutting plane. Cutting plane is defined as a extension of preview line. (green line)
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Shop Drawings panel
Point or Curve Dimension drop-down
(Curve Dimension)
Select an Axis or Curve to define the direction of the cutting plane and dimension. It will be taken as perpendicular to selected curve.
Select edges and curves for the dimensions. By clicking on the curve or edge second time, deselect the reference.
Select the position of the dimension along the curve and confirm with Enter to create dimension. You can move it or change type afterwards.
Edit Dimension#
You can edit created Point or Curve dimensions to add more references or change the position.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Shop Drawings panel
Point or Curve Dimension drop-down
(Edit Dimension)
Select any Point or Curve Dimension.
Add or deselect references and adjust position.
Confirm with Enter.
Update Dimension#
Updates Point or Curve Dimension that are placed in view. This command is useful after changes in the model components. Please note, that this command is working only for current view and updates dimensions when new reference is found.
Manual adjustments or Editing of the dimensions may be required.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Shop Drawings panel
Point or Curve Dimension drop-down
(Update Dimension)
Dimension with new references are updated.
Clean up Dimension#
Deletes all SOFiSTiK_Detail_References_Dimension instances without dimensions in the current view. This command is useful, when you have deleted some point or curve dimensions and want to clean up the drawing from unnecessary objects.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Shop Drawings panel
Point or Curve Dimension drop-down
(Clean up Dimension)
All SOFiSTiK_Detail_References_Dimension without the assigned dimension will be deleted.