Creates main grid and orthogonal grids according to axis geometry and chosen settings. Grids can be created at the placements’ station, between the placements with defined layout rule or at selected custom station. Main grid is created
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Shop Drawings panel
Select an Axis
SOFiSTiK: Grids dialog displays.
Select stationing and rotation of sections.
Decide whether or not to create a main grid and confirm with OK.
Layout items#
Create at Placements - select placements to create elements at their positions
Create between Placements - if activated, elements will be created between the selected placements according to the chosen layout rule
Orientation: Orthogaonal to Axis, Vertical - decide the orientation of the placed elements
Consider Rotation - if activated, elements will be rotated according to the placement’s rotation
Apply for each interval - layout rule will be applied for each placement interval (for each two selected neighbouring placements)
Measurement Types#
Curve Parameter - Spacing of the Layout Rule will be calculated according to the stationing of an axis
Chord Length - Spacing of the Layout Rule will be calculated according to the exact defined distance between two points
Projected Chord Length - Spacing of the Layout Rule will be calculated according to the exact defined distance between two points projected on the horizontal surface
Grids created with Grids tool are automatically updated after changes in the axis.
If Consider Rotation checkbox is active, created grids will be rotated according to the reference placements.