Generates a system of rebar sets along a selected path. The rebar sets (SRebar) consist of the rebar shapes, that are modeled using the Shape tool.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Reinforcement panel
Pick a path. You can choose a line, host edge, or an axis as a path for the system.
SOFiSTiK: Rebar dialog appears.
Select a profile family, that contains Rebar Shapes and adjust the settings and confirm with OK.
The Rebar system is generated.
Edit Rebar#
Edits previously created rebar sets. You can easily apply any changes in dialog and update the Rebar System.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Reinforcement panel
Rebar drop-down
Select a Rebar element.
Rebar dialog appears.
Edit the shape family, parameters, or definition, then confirm with Ok.
The modified element(s) is updated.
Only the modified element(s) will be updated.
Duplicates a selected Rebar system either along the current path or along a new path in the project. System properties, such as Family Type, Path settings, Host etc., can be adjusted before the new system is generated.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Reinforcement panel
Rebar drop-down
Select a Rebar element of a system.
Select a path to duplicate the system along it.
Rebar dialog appears.
Adjust properties of the system and confirm with OK.
New system is generated.
Disconnects a Rebar element from its system. The disconnected element loses dependency to the system. Changes applied to the system will not affect the disconnected element.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Reinforcement panel
Rebar drop-down
Select a Rebar element.
The selected Rebar element is disconnected from its system.
Set Path#
Assigns a Rebar system to a selected path. The system is dependent to the selected path.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Reinforcement panel
Rebar drop-down
Set Path.
Select a new path.
Select a Rebar element.
The Rebar system is assigned to the selected path.
Extract Path#
Extracts the path of an existing Rebar system. You can use this tool in case the path is deleted.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Reinforcement panel
Rebar drop-down
Extract Path.
Select a Rebar system.
The path is generated.
You can export a Rebar system definition to an external file (.PCK, .SRebar or .JSON extension). Exported system can be imported into the same project or a new one.
You can export a Rebar system as a .PCK file to export the system definition, the used shape family, bar types and hook types. Any other export extension file exports the system definition only.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Reinforcement panel
Rebar drop-down
Select a Rebar element of a system.
Select a target directory and file’s name and confirm with Save.
You can import a Rebar system definition from an external file.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Reinforcement panel
Rebar drop-down
Select definition file to import and confirm with Open.
Select a path.
Rebar dialog appears. System definition can be adjusted before being imported after confirming with Ok.
Refresh Instance#
Updates a selected Rebar element.
Select a Rebar element
Modify tab
Rebar Panel
The selected element is updated.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Reinforcement panel
Rebar drop-down
Select a Rebar element.
The selected element is updated.
Refresh System#
Updates a Rebar system.
Select a Rebar element
Modify tab
Rebar Panel
The system of selected element is updated.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab
Reinforcement panel
Rebar drop-down
Select a Rebar element of a system.
The system of selected element is updated.
In case rebar set parameters are inherited from host, you can activate the Dynamic Synchronisation and the rebar sets are updated automatically according to the changes in host parameters.
SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Reinforcement panel drop-down
Dynamic Synchronisation.