Generates a cluster (system) of one or more tendons along selected axis. Tendons are created using the basis geometry combined with local and boundary modifiers and other attributes.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Prestressing panel Tendon drop-down Create.
Select an axis.
SOFiSTiK: Tendon dialog appears.
Define the basis geometry, local and boundary modifiers and other properties. Confirm with OK.
Tendon element is generated.
Edits previously created Tendon Cluster. You can easily apply any changes in dialog and update the Tendon Cluster.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Prestressing panel Tendon drop-down Edit.
Select a Tendon element.
SOFiSTiK: Tendon dialog appears.
Edit the basis geometry, local and boundary modifiers and other properties. Confirm with OK.
The modified element(s) is updated.
Only the modified element(s) will be updated.
Duplicates a selected Tendon either along the current axis or along a new selected axis in the project. Tendon properties, such as Basis Geometry, Local and Boundary Modifiers, Attributes etc., can be adjusted before the new Tendon Cluster is generated.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Prestressing panel Tendon drop-down Duplicate.
Select a Tendon element to be duplicated.
Select an axis to duplicate tendons along it.
SOFiSTiK: Tendon dialog appears.
Adjust properties of the tendon cluster and confirm with OK.
New cluster is generated.
Disconnects a Tendon element from its cluster. The disconnected element loses dependency to the cluster. Changes applied to the tendon cluster will not affect the disconnected element.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Prestressing panel Tendon drop-down Disconnect.
Select a Tendon element.
The selected Tendon element is disconnected from its cluster.
Set Axis#
Assigns a Tendon (Cluster) to a selected axis. The tendon cluster is connected to the selected axis.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Prestressing panel Tendon drop-down Set Axis.
Select an axis.
Select a Tendon element.
The Tendon (Cluster) is assigned to the selected axis.
Refresh Instance#
Updates a selected Tendon element.
Select a Tendon element Modify tab SOFiSTiK Bridge panel Refresh Instance.
The selected element is updated.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Prestressing panel Tendon drop-down Refresh Instance.
Select a Tendon element.
The selected element is updated.
Updates a Tendon Cluster.
Select a Tendon element Modify tab SOFiSTiK Bridge panel Refresh.
The cluster of selected element is updated.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Prestressing panel Tendon drop-down Refresh Instance.
Select a Tendon element of a cluster.
The Tendon Cluster of selected element is updated.
You can activate Dynamic Synchronisation to keep the Tendons always updated after each change, that triggers the regeneration of the Tendons, such as, changes in the Axis.
SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Prestressing panel drop-down Dynamic Synchronisation.