Quantification tools allows you to extract the lenght, area and volume data from created and placed components. Selected edges, faces and forms are assigned to Shared Parameters. These parameters are filled with corresponing values after generation or regeneration of Superstructure Component or Refreshing the Quantification Input.
You can present the quantities in Revit Schedules or export them to external software.
Quantity values will not be updated automatically after changes of the element’s geometry in the project. You have to run Refresh tool to recalculate the values.
You can assign selected edges, faces and forms to the corresponding shared parameter. This Assign tool can be used both in Family Editor and in model. If used in Family Editor, definition will be valid for all the families (family types) in project. You have to Refresh the quantities input to get the proper values. If used in model, definition of quantities will be valid for selected instance only. You will get the values immediately. You can propagate the definition to other instances of the same Family (Family Type) afterwards.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Tools Panel Quantification drop-down (Assign)
If used in model, select an element (other then Superstructure component)
SOFiSTiK Quantification toolbox appears.
Add Shared Parameters to the toolbox.
Select Parameters in the tool box and mark corresponding edges, faces or volumes. Click ‘Done’ when ready.
You can switch between Parameters in one Assign session.
If you’re working in the Family Editor, load Family into Revit and Refresh the Quantification. If you’re working in the model, Quantities will be calculate automatically.
If you assigned the Parameter in the model, you can propagate the Quantification Input to other Family (Family Type) instances by clicking ‘Propagate’ icon in Quantification Toolbox.
Assign In-Profile#
You can assign selected points and lines to the corresponding shared parameters. After extrusion of the profile along an axis, assigned parameters will be filled with lenght or area values of corresponding points or lines. Assignment is valid for each Family Type of the Family Profile. In case of more Family Types, you need to assign the parameters for each one individually.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Tools Panel Quantification drop-down (Assign in-Profile)
SOFiSTiK Quantification toolbox appears.
Add Shared Parameters to the toolbox.
Select Parameters in the tool box and mark corresponding points and lines. Click ‘Done’ when ready.
You can switch between Parameters in one Assign in-Profile session.
Load Profile Family into Revit and (re)generate Superstructure Component.
In case you want to calculate the area of faces, that are not part of the ceated Superstructure Component, such as an area of bridge isolation, you can create a line in profile, make it invisible (checkbox in graphics properties) and assign it to shared parameter. Invisible lines will not be taken into account by generation of the component geometry. However, parameter will be filled with value of face, that would be generated by this line.
Clear Assignment#
You can clear the assignment of the parameters to the geometry objects. Parameters will not be deleted and will not be filled with the quantity values anymore.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Tools Panel Quantification drop-down (Clear Assigment)
Assingment of the Parameters to geometries is cleared
You can clear the assigment of Parameters in project, selected Family or Profile Family.
Reset Values#
You can reset all the values of parameters, which are currently assigned to the geometry objects. Parameters will get value of zero.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Tools Panel Quantification drop-down (Reset Values)
Select one or more components and confirm with finish.
All values of quantification parameters are set to zero.
You can recalculate the quantity values for all elements in the project other then Superstructure components. Quantity values for Superstructure components are recalculated only be regeneration of the component.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Tools Panel Quantification drop-down (Refresh)
Quantity values are recalculated.
You can refresh all elemnts in the project or only the selected ones.