Creates substructure elements at the chosen placements. Substructure’s geometry is defined by the Substructure Family and additional parameters.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel (Substructure) drop-down (Substructure)
Select an axis.
SOFiSTiK: Substructure dialog displays.
Select Revit Substructure Family and other settings and confirm with OK.
Substructure Family - select a Substructure Family to connect it to the selected placement.
Parameters - you can modify your Substructure Family directly in using the family’s parametes and preview window.
Shape Handle Points - you can assign Shape Handle Points of the substructure family to selected topography or another axis.
Position of Shape Handle Points will be evaluated always in the same direction as the orientation of substructure. Only Shape Handle Points with name will be listed in the Parameter Table.
Create on placements#
Select the placements to define where the Substructure element will be created. Each Substructure element will be connected to its placement. Changes applied on placements will influence the substructure element (e.g. change of the position).
Activate ‘Always vertical’ checkbox to place the Substructure family in vertical position (regardless of the placement’s planes)
Offsets and Rotation#
You can define Offsets and Rotations of Substructure element according to the global (project) and local (placement) coordinates.
Properties - you can assign Substructure Properties (such as host Axis, Placement Start/End, Station Start/End) to the selected Shared Parameter.
Process immediately - if deactivated, defined Substructure component (or changes) will be saved, but the component will not be created (or updated) immediately after confiming the definition. Substructure component will be generated after Refreshing the Axis or by selecting correspoding command in Infra Browser panel.
Edits previously created substructure element. You can easily apply any changes in Substructure Dialog and update your structure.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel (Substructure) drop-down (Edit)
Select a substructure element.
SOFiSTiK: Substructure dialog displays with previous input data.
Adjust the parameter values and other settings and confirm with OK.
The Substructure element is updated according to the current definition.
Disconnects substructure from its placement. Element loses dependency to the placement. Changes applied to the axis (and placement) will not influence the substructure element.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel (Substructure) drop-down (Disconnect)
Select a Substructure element.
Substructure element is disconnected from its axis.
Set Axis#
Assigns Substructure element to selected axis. Substructure element is dependent to the axis (and placement).
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel (Substructure) drop-down (Set Axis)
Select a Substructure element.
Select an axis.
Substructure element is assigned to the chosen axis.