Cross Member Array#
Cross Member Array are 3D elements placed along an axis between- and on placements. Position and quantity of placed instances are determined according to the chosen placements and layout rule for distribution. Families with 1 2 or 3 Adaptive points are supported.
In case you select an Adaptive Family with multiple points, it’s essential to set properly the local station for the evaluation of variables and position of Shape Handle Points
You can create a cross member Array along the chosen axis according to the given layout. Member’s geometry is defined by the Member Family and additional parameters.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel (Cross Member) drop-down (Create)
Select an axis.
SOFiSTiK: Cross Member dialog displays.
Select Revit Family and other settings and confirm with OK.
Member Family - select a Member Family to place it along the axis.
Parameters - you can give a constant value to the parameter or assign a parameter to the variable or secondary axis. The parameters will be filled with the proper value according to the chosen variable along an axis.
Special Variables
theta [xy] - gives the value of an angle between the chord of an element (measured between first and last adaptive point) and the tangent of the axis at the given station for xy plane (‘horizontal’)
theta [xz] - … for xz plane (‘vertical’)
phi [xy] - gives the value of an angle between chords (measured between first and last adaptive point) of two consecutive elements xy plane (‘horizontal’)
phi [xz] - … for xz plane (‘vertical’)
Shape Handle Points - you can assign the shape handle point of the family to the selected axis or secondary axis. Assigned point will follow the curve along the axis in the Bridge Profile plane and influence the profile geometry.
Local Station - defines the relative station of the axis for the evaluation of variables or position of Shape Handle Points. Range of local station is defined between the first and last adaptive point in the adaptive family (‘1’-‘2’ or ‘1’-‘3’). You can specify the position on the axis using normalized local station (values from 0 to 1) or segment lengths. You can measure the station from the beginning or from the end of the range.
Shape Handle Points needs to have a name in order to be shown in the table.
Array items#
Create at Placements - select placements to create elements at their positions
Create between Placements - if activated, elements will be created between the selected placements according to the chosen layout rule
Orientation: Orthogaonal to Axis, Vertical - decide the orientation of the placed elements
Consider Rotation - if activated, elements will be rotated according to the placement’s rotation
Apply for each interval - layout rule will be applied for each placement interval (for each two selected neighbouring placements)
Measurement Types#
Curve Parameter - Spacing of the Layout Rule will be calculated according to the stationing of an axis
Chord Length - Spacing of the Layout Rule will be calculated according to the exact defined distance between two points
Projected Chord Length - Spacing of the Layout Rule will be calculated according to the exact defined distance between two points projected on the horizontal surface
Cross Member#
Properties - you can assign Cross Member Properties (such as host Axis, Placement Start/End, Station Start/End) to the selected Shared Parameter.
Process immediately - if deactivated, defined Cross Member component (or changes) will be saved, but the component will not be created (or updated) immediately after confiming the definition. Cross Member component will be generated after Refreshing the Axis or by selecting correspoding command in Infra Browser panel.
Edits previously created Cross Member Array. You can easily apply any changes in Cross Member Dialog and update your structure.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel (Cross Member) drop-down (Edit)
Select a Cross Member element.
SOFiSTiK: Cross Member dialog displays with previous input data.
Adjust the parameter values and other settings and confirm with OK.
The Cross Member Array is updated according to the current definition.
Duplicates selected Cross Member Array. Cross Member Array properties, such as Family Type, Stationing etc., can be adjusted before the new Cross Member Array is generated.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel (Cross Member) drop-down (Duplicate)
Select a Cross Member element.
SOFiSTiK: Cross Member dialog displays with previous input data.
Adjust the parameter values and other settings and confirm with OK.
Disconnects Cross Members from axis. Elements lose dependency to the axis. Changes applied to the axis will not influence Cross Members.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel (Cross Member) drop-down (Disconnect)
Select a Cross Member.
Cross Member Array is disconnected from its axis.
Match Parameters#
You can adjust one or more cross member array with the parameters of another cross member array of the same family.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel (Cross Member) drop-down (Match Parameters)
Select a source cross member array.
Select one or more target cross member arrays.
Parameters of selected cross member array will be adjusted according to the source cross member array.