You can place a Beam Families on selected span of Girder System. Beam Family will be assiciated with the selected Girders. All the changes to Girder System will be automatically applied to Beams.
Creates Beam element on the selected Girder System. You can Edit Beams by using the same functionality.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel Beams drop-down (Beams)
Select Girder Spans and confirm with Finish.
SOFiSTiK: Beams dialog displays.
In tab Beam Family, select Beam Family, set its parameters and additional offsets at the start and end of Girders.
In tab Spans, decide which Girders (Lines) will be taken into account be Beam’s generation.
Confirm with OK when ready.
Beam Family tab#
Select Beam Families and its type. All available families in the project will be listed.
Parameters - you can give a constant value to the parameter or assign a parameter to the variable or secondary axis. The parameters will be filled with the proper value according to the chosen variable along an axis.
Automatic variable with angles - you can assing the variables with values of angles between placement and beam planes (XY and XZ) at start (0) and at end (1) placement of each beam. Variable are automatically available in Variable selection.
In preview window, you can see seleceted Beam Family. Beams geometry will be adjusted according to adaptive points.
Edits previously created Beams. You can easily apply any changes in Beams Dialog and update your structure.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel Beams drop-down (Edit)
Select Beam Element and confirm with Finish.
SOFiSTiK: Beams dialog displays.
Adjust the parameter values and other settings and confirm with OK.
Beams are updated according to the current definition.
Disconnects Beams from Girder System. Elements lose dependency to the Girder System. Changes applied to the Girder System will not influence Beams.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel Beams drop-down (Disconnect)
Select Spans of Girder System and confirm with Finish.
Beams are disconnected from its Girder System.
Offset Override#
You can override Offset Parameters of each individual Beam at start and end of the Span.
Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab Create panel Beams drop-down (Offset Override)
Select Spans of Girder System and confirm with Finish.
Beams are disconnected from its Girder System.