

Creates an axis according to the chosen alignment parameters with additional elements, like placements and variables, and dependent axis.

Bridge Components and substructure elements can be created with dependency to the axis.

You can find more information about axis definition in SOFiSTiK: Axis dialog section.

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_Create (Create)

  2. In Alignment tab, you can define horizontal and vertical alignment and placements along an axis.

  3. In Variables tab, you can define variables, which represent the variations along an axis. Variables can be later assigned to the parameters while creating or editing Superstructure.

  4. In Secondary Axes tab, you can define additional swcondary axis with U, V offsets.

  5. Confirm with OK.


Edits previously created axis. You can easily apply any changes in SOFiSTiK Axis dialog and update your axis.

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_Edit (Edit)

  2. Select an axis.

    SOFiSTiK: Axis dialog displays with previous input data.

  3. Adjust the parameter values and other settings and confirm with OK.

  4. The axis and all the elements connected to edited axis are updated according to the current definition.


Modify the axis carefully. All of the elements, that are connected to the axis will be updated automatically. Consider disconnecting some elements before editing the axis.


Disconnects an axis from all other elements. Disconnected elements lose the dependency to the axis and won’t be updated after editing the axis.

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_Disconnect (Disconnect)

  2. Select an axis.

  3. Components and Substructure elements are disconnected from selected axis.


You can export an axis definition to an external file (JSON extension). Exported axis can be imported to the same or other Revit project.

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_Export (Export)

  2. Select an axis.

    SOFiSTiK: Select Source File window displays.

  3. Select a target directory and file’s name and confirm with Save.


In order to export an axis to JSON file, the project has to be previously saved.


You can import an axis definition from external file. More information regarding supported formats you can find here:

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_Import (Import)

    SOFiSTiK: Axis Import dialog displays.

  2. Select the source file and confirm with OK.

  3. In case you have chosen LandXML,, TRA/GRA, CDB or CSV/TXT/XYZ format, additional Axis Import dialog displays. For more information check the supported formats above.

  4. Select proper settings and confirm with OK.

  5. Axis is imported into the project.

From Curve#

You can create an axis from any 3D curve in the project. Axis geometry and position will be defined according to the curve’s geometry and cannot be changed in Axis Dialog. In order to update an axis geometry, you need to repeat the command and activate ‘Update existing Axis’ checkbox in SOFiSTiK: Axis from curve dialog.

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_From_Curve (From Curve)

    SOFiSTiK: Axis from curve dialog displays.

  2. Select the stationing type and confirm with OK.

  3. Axis is created.


  • Horizontal projection - Stations will be calculated according to the horizontal projection of an axis.

  • Arc length - Stations will be calculated along the axis accoring to the actual curve length


  • Join Segments with tangential connection Points - in case segments are tangential to each other, they can be treated as single curve. Otherwise, polycurve Axis will be created

  • Assosiate with host axis - you can connect new axis with the host Axis (main or secondary). Geometrical changes of host axis will influance newly created axis

  • Update existing Axis - afetr clicking OK, select existing axis in the model to be updated with the new selected geometry and stationning


Selected curve has to be continous.


In case the stationing of created axis is not in the direction that you expected, you can change the direction using Reverse command.


In case you select an existing axis as the geometry input for the new axis, you can activate ‘Assosiate with Host’ option to connect two axes. Created axis will be updated after changes of the host axis.

From Projection#

You can create an axis using projected geometry of any 3D curve in the project. Axis horizontal alignment and position will be defined according to the curve’s geometry and cannot be changed in Axis Dialog. In order to update an axis geometry, you need to repeat the command and activate ‘Update existing Axis’ checkbox in SOFiSTiK: Axis from curve dialog. You can define the vertical alignment independently of the host axis.

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_From_Projection (From Projection)

    SOFiSTiK: Axis dialog displays.

  2. Select the stationing type and confirm with OK.

  3. Axis is created.


  • Scaled progression on curve - in case an axis is created on secondary axis, new axis can be defined with scaled stationing of secondary axis. Stationing is scaled according to curvature of main axis, offsets and placement’s rotation.

  • Horizontal projection - Stations will be calculated according to the horizontal projection of an axis.

  • Arc length - Stations will be calculated along the axis accoring to the actual curve length


  • Join Segments with tangential connection Points - in case segments are tangential to each other, they can be treated as single curve. Otherwise, polycurve Axis will be created

  • Assosiate with host axis - you can connect new axis with the host Axis (main or secondary). Geometrical changes of host axis will influance newly created axis

  • Update existing Axis - afetr clicking OK, select existing axis in the model to be updated with the new selected geometry and stationning


Selected curve has to be continous.


In case the stationing of created axis is not in the direction that you expected, you can change the direction using Reverse command.


In case you select an existing axis as the geometry input for the new axis, you can activate ‘Assosiate with Host axis’ option to connect two axes. Geometry of created axis will be updated after changes of the host axis.


You can reverse the direction of the chosen axis. The stationing will be calculated starting from another end of an axis. Any already properties, like placements and variables, will remain and new stations will be calculated.

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_Reverse (Reverse)

  2. Select an axis.

  3. Axis direction is reversed.


Selected curve has to be continous.


You can constrain one axis to another by associating the plane of selectced placements of two axes. Constrained (source) axis have its own geometry definition, but its position depends on the placement of target axis. You can define additional rotation parameters to determine an angle between constrained placements.

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_Constrain (Constrain)

  2. Select an axis to be constrained (source) and then the driving axis (target).

    SOFiSTiK: Constrained Axis dialog displays.

  3. Select source and target placements, set additional rotation parameters and confirm with OK.

  4. Source placement is constrained with target placement. Position of source Axis is adjusted.


You can cancel the constrain between two axes. The position of unconstrained axis will be independent.

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_Unconstrain (Unconstrain)

  2. Select constrained axis.

  3. Selected axis is unconstrained.

Between Placements#

You can create new axis between two placements of two axis. Geometry of this axis will be associated with selected placements. An axis will be always a straight line.

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_Between (Between)

  2. Select two axes.

    SOFiSTiK: Axis Between Placements dialog displays.

  3. Select Start and End placements of new Axis and confirm with OK.

  4. New Axis is created.


You can update already created axis by repeating the command, selecting new placements and activating ‘Update Existing Axis’ in the dialog.

Add Placements#

You can add placements to the Axis in the model area. New placements will not have immidiate influance on already created elements.

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Add_Placements (Add Placements)

  2. Select an axis.

  3. Name Placement in ID: text box and select the station on the axis.

  4. Close the command with ESC.



You can select the station graphically in the model area or by typing in exact station value.


When you set the snaps to Projection from Reference in Settings Dialog, you can transfer the angle automatically to added placement, by holding SHIFT while selecting the station.


You can update all axis information and elements that are connected to the axis. All elements will be generated according to new settings and accuracy .

  1. Click SOFiSTiK Bridge tab > Create panel > icon_Axis (Axis) drop-down > icon_Axis_Refresh (Refresh)

  2. Select an axis.

  3. Axis direction is reversed.


Selected curve has to be continous.