By using this tool, one or more dimensions between building elements and grids can be placed at once. You can choose which components should be used as references, how many dimensions are included in one set and the direction of the dimnesions.
Click BiMTOOLS tab Label panel (Dimensioning).
The Dimensioning dialog displays.
Enter the settings for the dimensions:
Dimension Presets
Selection of a stored Dimension Preset category, for number and content adjustments.
Dimension Line Direction
Definition of the Dimension orientation. The options are horizontal, vertical or customized direction.
Selection of the object to be dimensioned with the analogue type.
Selection of the dimension style of the respective objects.
Creation of an additional Dimension line.
Delete of the current Dimension Line.
Delete of all Dimension Lines.
Creation of a new Dimension Preset.
Delete a Dimension Preset.
Click to place the dimensions.