Running Imposed Load¶
Command |
Tooltip |
Associatively clone loads along the length of a specified curve. |
Sidebar |
Loads |
Command |
Tooltip |
Modifies associatively clone loads along a curve. |
Sidebar |
Loads |
A step size or number of steps can be defined. The copied loads can each be applied by the program with its own loadcase number which can be incremented by the defined loadcase step size value. Any new loadcases are created with the same action as the original copied load. Running imposed loads retain the information of the original geometry. The number and step size of load positions and the loadcase increment can be modified at any point. The geometry of the load can be modified using the blue AutoCAD grips. The running load can be visualized using the Filter. The associated loadcase text must be switched on/off with the load geometry layer.
For the creation of a Running Imposed Load, the following options are available for use:¶
Pick Points
Endpoints are selected for the geometry of the running imposed load.
Pick Lines or Curves
Creates one element by picking a selection of AutoCAD objects (line, curve, polyline or SPLINE), structural elements or complete geometric axes (without respecting the placements).
Set Working Plane
Because certain selection options only are available in the current working plane, it is possible to rest the working plane to a user defined position. For this the following options are available:
3Points: The coordinate system is defined using three selected point for the origin, X-axis and Y-axis.
Element: The orientation of the coordinate system is set with the selection of an object.
Database: Restores the coordinate system which is specified in the system information dialog
The working plane remains in place until the command to create the element is closed.