Line Reinforcement¶

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Creates a line reinforcement element |
Sidebar |
Cross Section Editor |

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Modifies line reinforcement's properties |
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Cross Section Editor |
Single reinforcement bars are generated along a defined line.
Three possibilities are available for the input the reinforcement values:
Definition of the number of bars
The minimum reinforcement is determined automatically using the diameter and the number. The maximum reinforcement can be defined as total reinforcement area, e.g. in [cm²].
Definition of the minimum and maximum reinforcement as total reinforcement area, e.g. in [cm²]
Definition of the minimum and maximum reinforcement with the grade of reinforcements, e.g. in [cm²/m]
During calculation single reinforcement bars are generated using the input for diameter, distance, reinforcement and maximum reinforcement. With ‘Distribution of bars’ several possibilities are available for the distribution of the single bars.
A detailed description of these properties can be found in the chapter ‘LRF - Line Reinforcement’ of the manual AQUA.
An explanation about the use of the layers is available in the manual AQUA in chapter ‘LAY - Reinforcement Layers’, in the subchapter ‘Properties of reinforcement elements’ and in the manual AQB in chapter ‘Theoretical Principles’.
The specification for the torsional efficiency controls whether the reinforcement is taken into account in the calculation of torsional stresses.
For special cases a reference area (simplified influence area of the bars to the surrounding concrete) can be defined for the determination of the crack width.
Information regarding assignment of construction stages, please refer to the chapter Construction Stages of Cross Section Parts.
For creation of linear reinforcement, the following options are available:¶
Pick Lines or Curves
Creates an element by enclosing an area with the selected objects. Valid selection choices include closed polylines and lines.
Single Element Mode - Polygonal Input
Switches between the polygonal input type and entry of a single element. Single element mode always asks for the start and end point of a new element.