Versionshinweise (Englisch)¶
This list represents the reported issues resolved within SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Generation. The issues are directly reported by users via Product Support Cases and SOFiSTiK Communities.
For the optimal product experience we highly recommend to work with the latest version from Autodesk App Store.
2021-10 Release (11.06.2021)¶
Issues Resolved
Fixed an issue that has caused an empty Autodesk Revit dialog in certain situation.
2021-9 Release (20.04.2021)¶
Issues Resolved
Fixed an issue that has caused an empty Autodesk Revit dialog in certain situation.
2021-7 Release (04.12.2020)¶
Issues Resolved
The version info in the license dialog has been corrected.
Reinforcement Generation now supports the new naming pattern for the SOFiSTiK working directory of Analysis + Design.
A new log message has been added in case the reinforcement result are available only for the element mids instead for knots (as the results in the element mids are not supported).
2021-5 Release (09.07.2020)¶
First Customer Shipment (FCS) of SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Generation 2021
The interface between SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Generation and SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design has been expanded to be able to generate the required reinforcement in directly the design workflow of the elements (columns, beams and slabs).